Women’s Aikido Seminar

Special 1-Day Online Event


March 7, 2021

Join the Kangeiko Community

Increase your Aikido training for one special week in the winter, and reap the benefits! Strengthen mind, body, and spirit, and build Aikido community! Kangeiko Winter Training has been an annual tradition in Santa Cruz since 1976. We welcome Aikidoists from around the world. Join the Kangeiko Community!

3 Ways to Train:  Online, Outdoors, & On-Your-Own

Create your own schedule of daily Aikido. Choose your way to do Kangeiko, as many days as you can:

  • Online:

    • Special Early Morning Kangeiko classes every day, taught by Aikido Instructors from around the world! Sunday through Friday, 7:00-7:45 am (Pacific time), followed by Community Share time, and interactive Conversations with Instructors 8:00-8:30 am. Final Kangeiko Class will be Saturday, 8:00-9:30 am (Pacific time).

    • Join our regular schedule of daily ASC online classes.

      • Note: our usual "Morning Misogi" 8:00 am classes, and Saturday 10:30 am class, will not meet during Kangeiko Week.

  • Outdoor: (for locals)

    • 2 Sword Classes, and a Friday noon Movement Class.

  • On-Your-Own:

    • Choose your own individual training, for at least 30 minutes each time. Practice Aikido movement, weapons, misogi, and more. Post a photo or video of your training to our Facebook Group, to encourage others doing Kangeiko training!

    • If your local Dojo is holding classes (either online or in-person), you can train and count those classes toward your Kangeiko goal.

View more about how to complete 7 Days of Training ➜

Share your goals, challenges, joys, and triumphs; support and connect with others doing Kangeiko. Community Share Times – 15 minutes after each morning class, and during other classes as well. Join the Conversations with Kangeiko Instructors each morning! Share photos, videos, and reflections of your training on the Kangeiko Community Page. Celebrate together during the final Kangeiko class on Saturday, January 30, 8:00-9:30 am (Pacific time).

If you train at least once a day, for all 7 days, you will receive a piece of Japanese calligraphy brushed by Linda Holiday Sensei, 7th dan, chief instructor of Aikido of Santa Cruz.

  • To receive a calligraphy you must join a minimum of 3 Aikido of Santa Cruz classes during Kangeiko week.

  • Kangeiko calligraphy will be mailed to you in February.

Do - The Way

January 24-30, 2021

Sunday – Saturday

Participant Fees

Standard: $40.00
Dojo Members: $25

Pay one fee for the week, train as often as you like. Those who train 7 days will receive Calligraphy.

Train as much as you can during Kangeiko Week! There are multiple opportunities to train each day, with classes led by chief instructor Linda Holiday Sensei, special guest instructors from around the world, and Aikido of Santa Cruz instructors. Scroll down to view a full list of instructors.

msakatsu agatsu


"In Aikido we are not fighting or contending to win -- we emerge victorious by not fighting. Aikido is the principle of nonresistance. It is to be victorious over oneself, victorious in accomplishing your mission in life."

– Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei

Kangeiko Instructors

Linda Holiday • 7th DanSanta Cruz, California Learn about Linda Sensei ➜

Linda Holiday • 7th Dan

Santa Cruz, California
Learn about Linda Sensei ➜

Fernando Sanchez • 4th DanSão José dos Campos, Brazil Learn about Fernando Sensei ➜

Fernando Sanchez • 4th Dan

São José dos Campos, Brazil
Learn about Fernando Sensei

Jan Nevelius • 7th DanStockholm, Sweden Learn about Jan Sensei ➜

Jan Nevelius • 7th Dan

Stockholm, Sweden
Learn about Jan Sensei

Christa Nopper • 4th DanFreiburg, Germany Learn about Christa Sensei ➜

Christa Nopper • 4th Dan

Freiburg, Germany
Learn about Christa Sensei ➜

Kimberly Richardson • 6th DanSeattle, Washington Learn about Kimberly Sensei ➜

Kimberly Richardson • 6th Dan

Seattle, Washington
Learn about Kimberly Sensei ➜

Tesfaye Tekelu • 3rd DanEthiopia + California Learn about Tesfaye Sensei ➜

Tesfaye Tekelu • 3rd Dan

Ethiopia + California
Learn about Tesfaye Sensei ➜


Aikido of Santa Cruz Instructors

Glen Kimoto • 6th Dan

Penny Sablove 5th Dan

Mark Zwagerman 4th Dan

Alan Holiday • 5th Dan

Jerilyn Munyon • 4th Dan

Neil Mick • 4th Dan

David Sofen • 5th Dan

Jeanne Sofen • 4th Dan

Nico Secunda 3rd Dan


“Daily training in Aikido allows your inner divinity to shine brighter and brighter.”

— Morihei Ueshiba • O-Sensei


Class Schedule

All times are displayed in Pacific Standard Time (PST) • California



7:00 am – 7:45 am | Morning Class (online)

Instructor: Linda Holiday (USA)

7:45 am – 8:00 am | Group Share
8:00 am – 8:30 am | Conversation with Kangeiko Instructors • hosted by Linda Holiday Sensei

3:00 pm – 4:15 pm | Aikido Sword Class

Location: Outdoors Venue + Online
Instructors: Linda Holiday + Alan Holiday

Online Host: Neil Mick


7:00 am – 7:45 am | Morning Class (online)

Instructor: Jan Nevelius (Sweden)

7:45 am – 8:00 am | Group Share
8:00 am – 8:30 am | Instructor Conversation
featuring Jan Nevelius Sensei

6:00 pm – 7:15 pm | All Levels Class (online)

Instructor: Glen Kimoto + Mark Zwagerman


7:00 am – 7:45 am | Morning Class (online)

Instructor: Kimberly Richardson (USA)

7:45 am – 8:00 am | Group Share
8:00 am – 8:30 am | Instructor Conversation
featuring Kimberly Richardson

5:30 pm – 6:45 pm | Partners Class (online)

Instructors: David Sofen + Jeanne Sofen

Note: Online Class designed for those with a “covid-safe” training partner. Feel free to attend solo, and follow along!



7:00 am – 7:45 am | Morning Class (online)

Instructor: Tesfaye Tekelu (Ethiopia + USA)

7:45 am – 8:00 am | Group Share
8:00 am – 8:30 am | Instructor Conversation
featuring Tesfaye Tekelyu

6:00 pm – 7:15 pm | Aikido Sword Class

Location: Outdoors Venue + Online
Instructors: Linda Holiday + Alan Holiday

Online Host: Chris Dailey


7:00 am – 7:45 am | Morning Class (online)

Instructor: Fernando Sanchez (Brazil)

7:45 am – 8:00 am | Group Share
8:00 am – 8:30 am | Instructor Conversation
featuring Fernando Sanchez

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm | All Levels Class (online)

Instructors: Penny Sablove + Jerilyn Munyon


7:00 am – 7:45 am | Morning Class (online)

Instructor: Christa Nopper (Germany)

7:45 am – 8:00 am | Group Share
8:00 am – 8:30 am | Instructor Conversation
featuring Christa Nopper

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm | Aikido Movement Class

Location: Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California
Instructor: Nico Secunda



8:00 am – 9:00 am | Final Kangeiko Class (online)

Instructor: Linda Holiday (USA)

9:00 am – 9:30 am | Community Conversation + Kangeiko Giveaway Prize Drawing + Celebration


Example of past Kangeiko clock made by Glen Kimoto Sensei


Special Prize Giveaway

Everyone registered for Kangeiko will be automatically entered into our special prize giveaway for a one of a kind Kimoto Clock made by Glen Kimoto Sensei (6th Dan • Aikido of Santa Cruz). We will have the prize drawing at the end of the final Kangeiko class on Saturday, January 30th. Make sure to register and join us for the class to see if you will be the winner of this year’s clock!

Tips for Training Online

Training Tips + Guide

Explore our training resources + FAQ

Kangeiko is a little different this year, so we’ve put together some helpful resources to help you make the most of this week of winter training. Review the Guide to find answers to your questions and more details, from what to wear to troubleshooting tips for online classes.

Join the KANGEIKO Community

Intensify your training for 7 days