Jan Nevelius Sensei

Jan Nevelius

Jan Nevelius Shihan, 7th dan, is a Swedish Aikido teacher who is based in Vanadis Aikido Dojo in Stockholm. He has been dedicated to his practice of Aikido since the mid 1970’s. Jan Sensei studied for several years in Japan at Aikikai Hombu Dojo in the 1980’s, where he was inspired by the second Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba, the elder Osawa Sensei, Yamaguchi Sensei, and Endo Sensei. Upon Jan Sensei’s return to Sweden, he began to teach; he also became a student of Christian Tissier Sensei (Paris), and a close personal student of Seishiro Endo Sensei (Saku, Japan). Jan Sensei emphasizes musubi (connection) and soft ukemi, and is respected by Aikidoists around the world. He is also a practitioner of Asian healing arts and a teacher of Qigong.