Santa Cruz Aikido Summer Retreat

July 11-12, 2020

Retreat Guide

FAQ + Tips to ensure a great online retreat experience


Scroll down for Zoom App tips ⬇︎


How do I access the online classes?

Click on the “Access Online Event” button link in your registration confirmation email to join the retreat using Zoom.

You’ll receive an email early each morning during the retreat with reminders, including the access link.

And in case all those emails get lost, we can resend your confirmation email.

Tip: Plan to arrive/login 5 minutes early for class, so that everyone is present to start on time.

Do I need to attend the entire retreat?

Full attendance is encouraged, but it’s fine to take breaks as needed. You can leave the Online Dojo (Zoom Meeting) if necessary and return anytime throughout the retreat.

Tip: You can also turn off your video and mute your audio anytime you want to take a break but continue to follow the retreat.

Will there be breaks?

Yes, there will be plenty of breaks and rest time to ensure everyone is able to sustain their energy throughout the retreat. (e.g. 15-minute rest times between classes + 80-min lunch break on Saturday)

View full retreat schedule ➜

How will I access the online Lunch Tables?

Simply stay in the retreat following the Saturday morning session (or rejoin the retreat at that time) and you will be directed by Retreat staff to join one of the Lunch Tables for some social time with other Retreat participants.

Will the retreat be recorded?

Portions of the retreat will be recorded and it’s possible we may make some of the video recordings available afterward.

Note: Zoom breakout rooms (used for small group discussions and training) are NOT recorded and the 4th dan and above class will also NOT be recorded.

How do I unmute myself?

If called upon by an instructor during the retreat, please unmute yourself using the Zoom App controls. The “Mute/Unmute” button is usually in the lower left of your window.

Tip: Get familiar with the Zoom App controls ➜
Scroll to the bottom of this page for more Zoom tips ⬇︎

How do online classes work?

We’ll be using Zoom to connect with everyone during retreat. This will allow you to see and hear the instructors, while also interacting with other attendees throughout the retreat. You may already be a Zoom pro, but not to worry if that isn’t the case.

You can go ahead and download the Zoom App ➜

Tip: Scroll down this page to find Tips for using Zoom.

Will there be weapons training?

Yes, we’ll be some opportunities to train with weapons. If possible, please bring a Bokken (wooden sword) and Bo or Jo (wooden long/short staff).

Tip: If you do not have a wooden sword or staff, use a substitute (e.g. broom stick handle or umbrella)

What should I wear?

Please wear your gi (keiko gi / training uniform) to classes if possible. If not, no worries, but wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move in.

What is Shin Kokyu?

Shin Kokyu or Chinkon Kishin is a misogi (purification practice) that was used and taught by O-Sensei and is often done at the beginning class in some Aikido lineages.

Tip: If you are not familiar with Shin Kokyu / Chinkon Kishin, you can view a guide to the practice ➜

Do I qualify for the 4th dan and above class?

This class taught by Mary Heiny Sensei is meant for those that are 4th dan and above, or anyone with 20+ years of Aikido training experience who wishes to attend.

For everyone else (up to 3rd dan), there will be a simultaneous class taught by Linda Holiday Sensei.

How will I access the 4th dan and above class?

Please join the “Main Dojo” as usual and at the beginning of the class/session you will be given access to the “Alternate Dojo” by means of a link provided in the Chat.

What should I do if have technical issues?

If you are able to join the retreat using Zoom, please use the chat feature to communicate with the support team.

If you are unable to join successfully join via Zoom, please contact our support team at

Tips for using Zoom

Retreat Class Schedule

Explore the layout of the online retreat experience