Principles and Practice of Aikido

Exploring Aikido Principles through Natural Movement

Are you drawn to the ideas of Aikido, but find it hard to participate in the standard classes? If so, you may be interested in the “Principles and Practice of Aikido” classes. These falling-optional classes allow additional time and space to explore AiKi concepts.

Aikido of Santa Cruz is committed to the vision that anyone can train and learn useful skills in Aikido. This class allows you to:

  • train in a way that supports health and growth while developing effective skills

  • improve your ability to move with a relaxed and centered body

  • develop self-discipline and awareness

Come train with a wide range of people who are using Aikido principles and self-examination as an opportunity to grow, heal, and move beyond any challenges. And if you have been off the mat for an extended period of time, this may be a way to transition back into other classes.

There is a special lower monthly membership fee of $70 for those attending only the “Principles and Practice of Aikido” classes. Those with a regular adult monthly membership are also welcome to attend.

Mondays and Wednesdays, 10 AM to 11:30 PM

Enroll now or contact the dojo office for more information.

“Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train.”

- Morihei Ueshiba, O-Sensei

Program Instructors

  • Jerilyn Munyon

    Jerilyn Munyon

    Godan (5th degree black belt)
    Began training in Aikido in 1979
    View Bio

  • Shawn Murphy

    Yondan (4th degree black belt)
    Began training in Aikido in 1983
    View Bi

How to Begin

1. Register for an account using MindBody.

Tip: if you already have a MindBody account, you can use the same email and password when registering to link your account.

2. Login to you MindBody account online and purchase a new Principles and Practice of Aikido Class Membership from our Online Store.

Select Principles and Practice of Aikido Class Membership from the drop-down list. Click “I Agree” and then Make Purchase and Checkout.

3. Browse the class schedule and “Sign Up” for the Principles and Practice of Aikido class of your choice.

Need assistance? Get in touch with us