Glen Kimoto
Glen Kimoto Sensei ⋙ 6th dan // Senior Instructor
“I started Aikido in 1969 with Robert Frager Sensei and Frank Doran Sensei in Santa Cruz. Delightfully, they have continued to be my teachers and my source of inspiration. Along the way I have been very fortunate to receive instruction from Stan Pranin Sensei, Jack Wada Sensei, Mary Heiny Sensei and Motomichi Anno Sensei. Anno Sensei has made many visits to the Santa Cruz Summer Retreat and has been a major influence on my aikido and my personal growth.
At the beginning of my Aikido journey, I was motivated solely by a desire to become proficient in the physical art. That attitude was an outgrowth of previous training as well as my personal mindset. Fortunately, after a few years of Aikido, it became very clear that ‘true victory’ was not physical. My journey along the Path continues.”