Upcoming Events
Aikido Summer Camp for Kids Ages 6 - 12
New and experienced Aikidoists ages 6 - 12 train together in the Art of Peace. The week will be filled with learning Aikido techniques, the philospohy of Aikido, rolling, blending, and centering, a day of outdoor training in nature (at Delaveaga Park), and a lesson in Japanese brush calligraphy. Plus Aikido games! The camp is a great way for new students to learn about Aikido and then join the regular young people’s classes.

Santa Cruz Aikido Summer Retreat
Join us for the 31st Annual Santa Cruz Aikido Summer Retreat – a 5-day intensive seminar held in the heart of Santa Cruz, California. Immerse yourself in a training atmosphere of sincerity, mutual respect, and joyful community inspired by the teachings of Aikido and it's founder, Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei.
More details, full instructor lineup and registration information coming very soon!

Seminar with Kayla Feder, Lisa Tomoleoni, and Linda Holiday
Kayla Feder
7th dan Shihan
Linda Holiday
7th dan Shihan
Lisa Tomoleoni
6th dan Shihan
Full Weekend: $125
Single Day: $75
20% discount for ASC Members
50% discount for teenagers
20% Financial Aid Discount - request via email →
*Meals and accommodations not included
or sign-up at the door
Aikido of Santa Cruz
306 Mission St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Seminar Schedule
10:00 - 11:00 Kayla Sensei
11:00 - 12:00 Lisa Sensei
12:00 - 2:00 Lunch: Eat out, or bring food to eat in the dojo
2:00 - 2:30 Panel Discussion with Senseis
2:30 - 4:30 Co-taught collaboratively by all 3 Senseis
10:00 - 11:15 Lisa Sensei
11:30 - 12:45 Kayla Sensei
12:45 - 1:00 Break - Refreshments provided
1:00 - 2:15 Linda Sensei
2:15 - 2:30 Closing Circle
Annual O-Sensei Commemoration
Annual O-Sensei Commemoration co-taught by Linda Holiday Sensei and Matt Fluty Sensei, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Seminar fee $35, with discounts for students of Aikido of Santa Cruz and Aikido Center Sacramento. Other discounts available; see online registration for details, or arrive early on April 27 to register in-person.
Seminar with Raso Hultgren Shihan
Raso Hultgren Shihan, Chief Instructor of Aikido of Missoula, Montana, will teach a seminar on Sunday, March 10.
Women's Seminar
The 2024 Women’s Seminar is co-taught by Senseis Linda Holiday (chief instructor, ASC) and Penny Sablove (chief instructor, Heart of San Francisco Aikido), with special guest instructor Raso Hultgren 7th dan (chief instructor, Aikido of Missoula, Montana).
Please note: Sunday, March 10 — Raso Hultgren will teach a seminar at ASC, open to all Aikidoists! Details TBA.

Intro to Aikido class starts Saturday, March 2
An Introduction to fundamental principles, techniques, and philosophy of Aikido, for new adult students (ages 13+). Enjoy non-competitive training in a supportive dojo environment. Taught by ASC black belt Jeef Reed Sensei, assisted by other ASC instructors.
Special Training and Dan Promotions
This will be an all-day event with two 5th dan demonstrations, guest instructor Richard Strozzi-Heckler (7th dan), and more. Any student with a previously purchased membership or monthly pass may register online through their Mindbody account. However, please select one of the following pricing options from the Online Store in order to pay for the event:
Richard Strozzi Heckler Shihan Seminar - General
Richard Strozzi Heckler Shihan Seminar - ASC
Richard Strozzi Heckler Shihan Seminar - Teen
You may also register and pay for the semiar at the door.

Intro to Aikido class starts Saturday, February 3
An Introduction to fundamental principles, techniques, and philosophy of Aikido, for new adult students (ages 13+). Enjoy non-competitive training in a supportive dojo environment. Taught by ASC chief instructor Linda Holiday, assisted by other ASC instructors.
Kangeiko Winter Training Week Intensive
MEET THE KANGEIKO CHALLENGE! Train all 7 days of the Winter Intensive -- or the 3-day Weekend Option, a single day, or as much as you can, during the week. Strengthen your mind, body, spirit, and community, through Aikido!
All Kangeiko classes are free for ASC members: sign up as usual for the classes you'll attend during the week. Visiting Aikido students are welcome! Click here for more information about how to sign up.
Please note: Kangeiko is for current Aikido students, at ASC and from other Aikido dojos. New, prospective students are welcome to observe any class. Next Intro Class will start Feb. 3. More info about the Intro Class can be found here.
DURING KANGEIKO -- WINTER TRAINING INTENSIVE -- we intensify our Aikido training for one week, in the “coldest” time of year. Santa Cruz Aikido Kangeiko began in 1976 and has continued every year for over forty years! It is a way to strengthen mind, body, and spirit...increase your sense of commitment...and build community. Increase your training: by one class, a weekend, or every day for a week!
KANGEIKO is free to ASC members! And we welcome visiting Aikidoists from other dojos, as well as former ASC students: Please join us! Visitor mat fee is $20/day, or $100 for the whole week of Kangeiko. New this year: a Weekend Kangeiko Option, Friday-Saturday-Sunday ($50 fee for Visitors). Please see **VISITOR INFORMATION below.
“TRUE VICTORY IS VICTORY OVER ONESELF.” – O-Sensei The spirit of Winter Training is to challenge yourself, to meet that challenge successfully, and to support others. Train as much as you can! There are multiple classes each day, led by chief instructor Linda Holiday and dedicated instructors: Glen Kimoto, Peter Ralls, Alan Holiday, Dennis Wheeler, Aimen Al-Refai, Jerilyn Munyon, Jeanne Sofen, Neil Mick, Nico Secunda, Shawn Murphy, Jay Munyer, Robert Summers, Jeff Reed, Zachiah Murray.... Join with our dojo community, and meet the Kangeiko challenge!
寒稽古 KANGEIKO CALLIGRAPHY All adult/teen ASC students as well as Visitors, who train at least once a day for 7 days, will receive a piece of Japanese calligraphy hand-brushed by Linda Holiday Sensei, on the last day of Kangeiko.
FOR ADULT AND TEEN AIKIDOISTS: There are multiple classes every day: our daily schedule of classes plus early morning Kangeiko classes at 6:30-7:30 am every day, Monday through Saturday! and a special Beach Misogi Practice: Sunday 7-8 am. Plus, there are two All Ages Aikido classes: Sat. 2:30-4:00pm, & Sunday 10:30-12:00. See the full schedule below.
FOR AIKIDOISTS AGES 6-12: Young Aikidoists are encouraged to participate in Kids Kangeiko by training daily, or any amount, during the week. All our youth and teen classes (Monday through Thursday afternoons) will be open to all ages of students who are enrolled in our youth/teen programs. There is a special youth/teen class on Friday, January 27th, 4:00-5:00pm. And the Saturday 2:30-4:00 pm and Sunday 10:30-12 classes are for “ALL AGES” (youth/teens and adults all together).
寒稽古 Each youth student who trains at least 4 days will receive a Kangeiko Certificate. Students who train all 7 days will, in addition, receive a piece of Japanese calligraphy hand-brushed by Linda Holiday Sensei, ASC chief instructor.
KANGEIKO 2024 CONCLUDES ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 28 with two morning classes: 7:00-8:00 am special class & Misogi (purification) Practice on the Beach (at Natural Bridges), and 10:30-12:00 (All Levels & All Ages: adult/teens/youth together). A ceremony at noon to present Kangeiko Certificates and Calligraphy, then a Potluck Lunch for the whole community, and the Giveaway Drawing.
THE GIVEAWAY: Every person who trains at least once at Aikido of Santa Cruz during the week of Kangeiko will be entered in the Giveaway Drawing on Saturday. Each time you train, you get another Giveaway ticket! Gifts to be awarded include:
Grand Prize I (for adults/teens): Free admission to our 4-day Santa Cruz Aikido Summer Retreat, July 11-14, 2024.
Grand Prize II (for Aikido youth): Free admission to our 5-day Kids Aikido Summer Camp, July 22-26, 2024.
Grand Prize III: A beautiful handcrafted wooden clock by Glen Kimoto Sensei.
Contact us at info@aikidosantacruz.org to offer a gift to the Giveaway.
Please donate to support Kangeiko & ASC! https://aikidosantacruz.org/donate
Your donations provide essential support for Aikido of Santa Cruz as we continue to emerge and rebuild, after the pandemic shutdown. We are a nonprofit, public-benefit, charitable 501(c)3 organization, so donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. We couldn’t do this without you. Deep Gratitude!
** VISITOR INFORMATION: Aikido of Santa Cruz is a friendly place to train as a visitor. We welcome you to our community for Kangeiko week!
Training fees for VISITORS: $100 for the whole week, or $20/day. New this year: a Weekend Kangeiko Option for visitors: $50 fee for Friday, Saturday, & Sunday.
TO ATTEND: Follow the instructions below to register for an account with ASC, buy a pass, and reserve your space in classes. Please contact the ASC office with any questions about signing up online or attending ASC classes; or if you are a visitor staying overnight. info@aikidosantacruz.org or 831-423-8326
1. Register for an Account on MindBody.
Tip: if you already have a MindBody account, you can use the same email and password when registering to link your existing account.
2. Login to your MindBody account online (not on the app) and purchase a "Kangeiko one-week pass" , “Kangeiko Weekend Pass”, or "Single Day pass" from our Online Store.
Tip: Select "Kangeiko One-week Pass", “Kangeiko Weekend Pass”, or "Single Day pass" from the list of options. Click “I Agree” and then Make Purchase. Then click Checkout.
3. After you receive your confirmation email, browse the class schedule and “Sign Up” for any class you are eligible for.
Tip: if you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact the dojo for assistance.
4. Confirm your class booking and you’re all set!

Intro to Aikido class starts Saturday, January 6
An Introduction to fundamental principles, techniques, and philosophy of Aikido, for new adult students (ages 13+). Enjoy non-competitive training in a supportive dojo environment. Taught by ASC chief instructor Linda Holiday, assisted by other ASC instructors.
New Year's Day Misogi Purification and Beach Practice
10:00 - 11:30 am on the beach.
12:30 - 3:00 (?) Potluck celebration.
Contact the office for details and location.
For adults and Teens.
Holiday All Ages Class and Potluck
Class for Youth and Adults together, taught by Linda Holiday Sensei. Including a special Aikido demonstration by the ASC Youth Students in the last 15 minutes of class — come and support them!
Following the closing circle there will be Dojo Holiday Potluck Lunch for the whole community… resuming this special event for the first time in 4 years.

Intro to Aikido class starts Saturday, November 4
An Introduction to fundamental principles, techniques, and philosophy of Aikido, for new adult students (ages 13+). Enjoy non-competitive training in a supportive dojo environment. Taught by Jeff Reed, assisted by other ASC instructors.
International Friendship Seminar with Jan Nevelius Shihan and Linda Holiday Shihan
Click here to register online, with a $5 discount. You can also register at the door.
Aikido Summer Camp for Kids
New and experienced Aikidoists ages 6 - 12 train together in the Art of Peace. The week will be filled with learning Aikido techniques, the philospohy of Aikido, rolling, blending, and centering. Plus Aikido games! The camp is a great way for new students to learn about Aikido and then join the regular young people’s classes.
Santa Cruz Aikido Summer Retreat!
The Summer Retreat has returned to the Civic Center!
Registration Now Open
The Summer Retreat will once again be taught by Senseis Mary Heiny, 7th Dan, and Linda Holiday, 7th Dan
with special guest instructors
Jack Wada, 7th Dan
Michael Friedl, 7th Dan
Kayla Feder, 7th Dan
Kimberly Richardson, 7th Dan
Ginny Breeland, 6th Dan
Michael Weber, 5th Dan
Ricardo Jenez, 4th Dan
Nico Secunda, 4th Dan
Click here for detailed information about the Summer Retreat
Intro to Aikido class starts Saturday, June 3
An Introduction to fundamental principles, techniques, and philosophy of Aikido, for new adult students (ages 13+). Enjoy non-competitive training in a supportive dojo environment. Taught by ASC chief instructor Linda Holiday, assisted by other ASC instructors.
Online O-Sensei Commemoration with Motomichi Anno Sensei
Memories, Wisdom, & Inspiration from Motomichi Anno, 8th Dan, Kumano Japan. With questions and answers, translated and hosted by Linda Holiday, 7th Dan, ASC Chief Instructor, and Nico Secunda, 4th Dan, Aikido of Santa Cruz.
Everyone is welcome!
Suggested donation $5 - $25.
O-Sensei Memorial Seminar
Advance Registration required. $30 Seminar fee; $25 discounted fee for Aikido of Santa Cruz, Aikido of Mountain View, and Aikido of San Jose students. 50% discount for Teens. Scholarships available.
10:00 - 12:00 3 Senseis, 3 classes
12:15 - 1:00 Matsuri Ceremony, Chanting, Offering-Demonstrations
You are invited to bring a favorite O-Sensei quote, and a simple flower offering to share.
Intro to Aikido class starts Saturday, February 4
An Introduction to fundamental principles, techniques, and philosophy of Aikido, for new adult students (ages 13+). Enjoy non-competitive training in a supportive dojo environment. Taught by ASC chief instructor Linda Holiday, assisted by other ASC instructors.
Kangeiko Winter Training Intensive
Train as much as you can, in 7 days! Morning and evening classes.
** VISITOR INFORMATION: Aikido of Santa Cruz is a friendly place to train as a visitor. We welcome you to our community for Kangeiko week!
Training fees for Visitors: $90 for the whole week, or $15/day.
TO ATTEND: Sign up in advance on the ASC website. Create an online account
Upload your proof of Covid vaccination or email to the ASC office. Then reserve your classes in advance, online.
Please note! Well-fitting facemasks are required, while inside the Dojo building. Contact the ASC office with any questions about signing up online or attending ASC classes: info@aikidosantacruz.org or 831-423-8326
New Aikido Weapons Class Starts
Taught by Alan Holiday & Linda Holiday. All levels welcome. Will begin with Bo (long staff).
Intro to Aikido 4 Week Series
An Introduction to fundamental principles, techniques, and philosophy of Aikido, for new adult students (ages 13+). Enjoy non-competitive training in a supportive dojo environment. Taught by ASC chief instructor Linda Holiday, assisted by other ASC instructors.
The Intro Series is required, in order to become an ASC Dojo Member and attend any/all of the Adult Aikido Classes we offer on a regular ongoing basis. The class runs for 4 weeks on Saturday mornings 9:00 - 10:15 am, and Wednesday evenings 6:00 - 7:15 pm. New students must complete at least 3 classes of the series, and can then join our Dojo for unlimited Aikido classes with 50% off your first month! Proof of full vaccination, plus one booster OR weekly testing option if eligible, and face masks, are required.